Refer Your Clients to
EMDR Intensives
Benefits to Adjunct EMDR Intensive Therapy
Maintain Treatment Goals
Trauma can emerge later in therapy due to avoidance or repression.
Referring clients to a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and Certified EMDR Therapist can help address PTSD, dissociation, and attachment wounds.
This allows you to stay focused on your client's primary treatment goals.
Overcome Treatment Blocks
I can help uncover and heal blocks caused by conscious or unconscious distressing events.
This ensures that your client's progress remains on track.
Focus on Specialties
I provide adjunct therapy to address traumatic stress.
This enables you to continue focusing on your client's core treatment goals while I manage their trauma-related needs.
Expand Referral Network
After EMDR Intensives, ongoing treatment may be necessary for managing daily stressors.
I value collaborating with other therapists for effective referrals to meet the unique needs of each client.
My Mission
My mission is to provide the opportunity for first responders and individuals experiencing PTSD and trauma related issues within our communities find safety, stability and connections with EMDR, and other evidence based treatments. Through collaboration, we can expedite the healing process for clients while also strengthening the mental health provider community.